Afterexpressingloveandbeingrejected,manypeoplewil Continue readingWhat are the ways to recover after your confession is rejected-
How to tactfully propose a room with a girl- will not be rejected
Aslongastherelationshipbetweenmaleandfemalefriend Continue readingHow to tactfully propose a room with a girl- will not be rejected
What are the reasons why women cheat- It’s not like I suddenly met true love
Infidelityisatopicthatcannotbeavoidedinmarriage W Continue readingWhat are the reasons why women cheat- It’s not like I suddenly met true love
How should I persevere if I don’t feel hopeful about pursuing a girl-
Whenchasingagirl,itmaynotbeasdifficultasmanypeopl Continue readingHow should I persevere if I don’t feel hopeful about pursuing a girl-
How should a boy pursue a girl he likes-
Whenaboymeetsagirlhelikes,thosewhoaremoreintrover Continue readingHow should a boy pursue a girl he likes-